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Billy Zero has been working with and playing in bands since he was 16. He started his first company at 18 and is currently the Marketing & Advance Director for Presidential Candidate for 2024, Robert F Kennedy Jr.

I began as Advance Director in November 2023 and moved into Marketing by April, 2024. 

A former Recording Academy President for the DC Chapter and a National Trustee for the Academy, Billy has been on the inside of the Music world for over 25+ Years. 

Crypto Changed his life when he invested in Crypto in 2017 and had 10,000 X’s gains by 2021. He bought Maritime Fabrication in 2021 and became a partner in in 2023. 

He is also still a board member of the Charity he founded in 2015 called Juice Box Jams. He left the Executive Director Position to focus on RFK Jr’s Campaign for a year. 

He also created Investigator Alligator for kids in need. We plan a launch in 2025.


Email - Billy Zero at djboy dot com Call - 1-800-255-2071